Monday, October 8, 2007

Landscaping Duty

Austin is the best little helper. When ever he spills anything, he always insists on cleaning it up himself. Since it has been so beautiful outside, I decided to pick some weeds. They were out of control! Austin was jumping on the trampoline and playing a game with his football. When he saw me working, he came right over to help out. He actually did an entire area for me. He was very proud he could pick weeds like mommy. Austin sure earns his keep!


The Pousson Family said...

What a little man! I can't wait for the day I can reap the benefits of having kids - when they can do chores! LOL!

Aimee's Family Journal said...

I hate those weeds! There are always an ant pile uder those ones that grow along the ground like that! They are such a pain. I don't know about you, but I kind of like doing yard work at this time of year.

Chunky Monkey said...

Aww!What a good helper.Weeds suck.At least you pick yours.Just kidding,I pick mine too but my neighbor sure doesn't.Way to be a good neighbor in your neighborhood.(check my blog and you will see my neighbors yard.)I am so mean.